Google Penalty Checker

Wondering why your website has fallen down the search rankings for specific keywords? It could be down to a penalty from Google - Creative Ideaz can help.

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Why have my Rankings Decreased?

If you have seen a significant drop in your websites search rankings, it could well be down to your site being affected by the Google Algorithm Penalty. There are two types of penalties – manual and algorithmic. A manual penalty is one that is given by the Google spam team, an algorithmic penalty is given by one of Googles algorithm updates such as Panda or Penguin.

If you have got too many unnatural backlinks on your website, you will need to get your website recovered. Perhaps your website has links to unrelated websites, or websites that have been penalised by Google, or maybe your comments section is filled with spammers. Whatever the reason, we will find out and get your website back to recovery.

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Our Google Penalty Service


Something changed. Suddenly your site is nowhere to be seen and no-one is finding you? You could well have been subject to a Google penalty.
To find out if that is the case, we will carry out a diagnosis on your website to see what is been going on.


Google penalty removal can be a lengthy process – and there is certainly no quick fix.

It takes time, dedication, and an analysis team that knows exactly what it’s doing in order to get your website to recover from a Google penalty.


As part of our Google penalty removal service Birmingham, we will plan a thorough strategy to spring clean your website.

We will remove links that do not fit with Googles new algorithm, remove any duplicate content and then ultimately make a reconsideration request to Google which will lead us on to the next step.


The good news bit – after all that hard work, we will make sure we get your penalty revoked and your website back to recovery.

It may sound like a simple enough process, but the whole approach needs to be incredibly systematic and thorough in order to make sure we get the results needed.

How Can I Avoid This Happening Again?

You can help make sure you stay on the right side of Google several ways. For starters, do not link to websites unrelated to your niche (it does not look natural to Google). Make your website look like one of the big brands and give it a profile to match.

That means, give it a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and make sure you have got an original logo and custom design (we can help with all these things). It is also a good idea to clean up any links on your website that really do not need to be there. Don’t just leave them hanging, get rid of them and you will help make sure your website is looking good to Google.

If you want specialist help with our google penalty checker, just give us a call or fill out or form and we will be happy to help.

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Here's how we have helped our clients...

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Security Doors Direct:

After being hit by a Google Penalty, Security Doors Direct suffered a rankings drop, failing to rank within the top 100 results for their most important keywords. After working with Creative Ideaz, we helped to not only remove their Google Penalty, but also increased their online visibility by 400% within the last 6 months.

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