Why Your Landing Page Conversions Don't Increase When Traffic Increases

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
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Blog by Sumit
Sumit Kumar
Why Your Landing Page Conversions Don't Increase When Traffic Increases

It can be super exciting to see your website traffic increase. Your mind leaps with possibilities – will you achieve loads more sales? Will all this traffic bring extra business? Is your business about to go viral?

Most of us love feeling a little bit popular, but what happens if, even after you see a huge jump in traffic, you don’t see any landing page conversions? In this article, we’ll take a look at just why this might be happening...

1. Your Target Customers are AWOL

It can feel great when you see the number of visitors to your website increase, but if they’re not the right kind of visitors, is there any point? If you’re wondering why you’re getting visitors but no increase in sales, it’s probably time to take a look at your keywords and key phrases.

If search engines such as Google are reading your content and thinking your website deals in one thing (because of the keywords and phrases it’s trawled), when in actual fact your website deals in something different.  

It can be frustrating, but with a little work on your keywords and phrases, it can be fixed. You’ll need to figure out what the keywords and phrases are that your website is ranking highly for, and then adjust them if they’re not quite right for what your business does. You can use this free Google rank checker tool here.  

2. Your Content is Dull

When you visit a website, how much of the content on it, do you actually read? Most people read the headline and maybe the sub-heading and then leave it at that. The way we read websites is entirely different to the way we read books or magazine articles, for instance.  

Copy on websites needs to be catchy, relevant, and in nice, bite-sized chunks. Break things up with sub-headings, bullet points, neat little paragraphs, and speak in a conversational tone directly to your customer. Add italics, change font colour, but take care not to go overboard. Get the balance right with meaningful, relevant copy and your customers should stick around.

3. Your Design is Bland

Websites need to look good. They also need to look professional. All of this means your design needs to be decent. A website that is difficult to navigate and makes no sense will leave potential customers feeling irritated and ready to run.  

Give them slick, stylish design (less is always more), and make their user experience journey a pleasant one and you should see your landing page conversions increase too.

4. Everything is going Slow-Mo

Is there anything more frustrating than a website that takes aeons to load? No, there isn’t. You’ll have visited some yourself, and I bet you left within the first 10 seconds. This means, however awesome your website design and content is, if it takes too long to load, no one’s going to stick around to see it.  

If you want to find out how long your website takes to load, check out Google Analytics for more info. A website that loads in slow could also be attributing to your website not ranking highly in search engine results, so it’s definitely something to check out.

5. Pop Ups Kill the Vibe

Show me someone who loves pop-ups on websites and I’ll show you 1000 more who can’t stand them. They’re annoying, fiddly to get rid of, and they turn potential customers off. If you want to use pop-ups do so lightly.  

Three is enough, medium in size, and easy to click off if a customer wants to. If you hurl a heap of pop-ups at your website visitors as soon as they land, then get ready to wave goodbye to the majority of them.


At Creative Ideaz, we’ve been building websites for our clients that lead to an increase in traffic, better search engine rankings, and more landing page conversions, for years. If you’re finding it hard to get your website working the way you’d like it to, get in touch with the Creative Ideaz team today. We’ll be happy to help fix things and get you and your business back on the right track.

Sumit Kumar

Growth Hacking Strategist @ Creative Ideaz

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